Last night Momma went to visit two little Meezer guys who live across the street. Here are the neighbors:
They're named Blues and Jazz. Blues is a blue point, and Jazz is a lynx point. I think they're about 4 months old now. They've already got some pretty rockin' Meezer laser eyes, don't they?
Here's Sophie perched on her ring I showed you the other day. She jumps up on top and then flips around to play with the mouse in the middle. I told her about your circus tricks, Daisy, and I think she wants to do that, too.
Finally, this is Oreo. Oreo is a really, really old lady. She's 19. She likes to pretend that Sophie and I don't exist. She gets away with a lot, too, because she's older than dirt. You know how it is: she sneaks my food or hisses on the stairway, and immediately the Beans are all "Oh, Oreo! Are you hungry? You have to eat your own special food..." or "Hey Jimmy Joe/Sophie--are you bothering that poor old kitty??" Oh man, she really works the old lady card.
[grudgingly] I guess I'll miss her too, though.
So those are my friends and neighbors here in Michigan. I'll let you know when I'm back in NY! Have a great weekend, y'all!
Oreo had lived a very long life, so she's entitled to get away with some things. Sophie's ring scratching post looks very cute.
Those two Meezers are very cute too, and they certainly have the Goa'uld glowing eyes down pat!
Oh yes, meezers are trouble! But I guess I couldn't imagine life without them anymore. They're cutest when they're mini-sized though.
Thanks for introducing us to your friends and neighbors. Any friend of Jimmy Joe's is a friend of mine! I think Sophie would be a very good Circus cat.
Hi Jimmy Joe!
We are so delighted that you had a wonderful visit with Granny and Poppa. Granny's are so good about tending to our needs.
we loved meeting the wild neighbor kitties Jazz and Blues (super cool names) and Nice to see Sophie again. she looks very steady and happy on the top of her ring.
Oreo..she is an old old kitty girl. We are 16 and I'd say 19 is a very very wonderful age to be. I bet she gets lots of help.
Have a happy week~end JJ
Purrs, Prinnie
oh, man, the old ladies. I hear you buddy. They get away with everything! So how is you getting back from Michigan to NY? Are you getting 2 trips in one, if ya know what I mean?
They have rockin' laser eyes just like mine!
hehe well, the meezers are gorgeous, sophie is agile and beautiful and orio - well, she is entitled to be a bit crabby you know!
I think Oreo should get whatever she wants! She looks like a great geezer kitty!
Hi Jimmy Joe! Thanks fur introducing us to yoor frends and fambly. Mom was in da north woods on Wenzday and met a manx kitty. Zippy's only 10 and she pulls out da old lady card alla time! Have a grate weekend.
haf a good trip back to Ithaca!! When you pass exit 45 on the thruway wave at us!! we live about 3 miles from that exit!
Well, those seem to be some terrific friends and neighbors that you have there!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oah, 19 years old~!!!!!! Oreo is amazing~!!!!
Oreo is 19 - that's magnificent. Respect. FAZ
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