Oh boy, buddies, I got another grate award! This is exciting. This is the LOVE-YA! award, which my grate buddies the
Orange Tabbies, Turtle and my nose-twin Pippin (and their tortie sister Ava Grace) gave me.

This is the description of the LOVE-YA! Award: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I'm gonna pass this on to my grate buddies:
1) Wally, Ernie and Zoey over at
Island Cats2) Sunny, Olive Oyl and Rascal of
Mommy's Little Fat Boy 3)
Princess Isis the Doggie
4) and Luna over at
CatSynthIn other news, guess what I saw went I went out with Coco this morning?

Coco and I found lots of fascinating smells in the long-hidden grass, so we had to spend quite a while doing a thorough investigation.

Finally, Momma is going away tomorrow for two days for a Very Important Interview. I thought I'd ask for some of the grate Cat Blogosphere Magic to help her, so could you chip in with some good luck purrs and furs for her?
Thanks, buddies!
we is purring hard for your mommy! where is she going? somewhere far away from where you live now?
we has grass up here north of you, but we thinks that there will be snow on it again tomorrow. phooey
Hey, Jimmie Joe! Thanks so much for passing this great award onto us! We really appreciate it!
We can see the grass now too! Whoohoo! But we only see it from the windows...lucky you, you got to actually investigate it!
We are purring for your mom and hope her interview goes well!
Congrats on your lovely award! Looks like you really enjoyed your stroll in the grass! Sending our best good wishes for your mom bean's interview! *purrs*
Thanks for the award! We appreciate it :)
We're sending good vibes for your mom's Very Important Interview (tm).
I am sending my very best purrs to your mom for her interview tomorrow!
oooh, bigbig purrs for your mom's VII tomorrow! we bet she'll be furry great.
xo-pippin, turtle, and ava
Woo hoo! You finally got to see the grass again :-D That's great!
Best wishes to your Momma on her interview :-) I hope it goes very well and she gets the job!
And congratulations on your award! Very well deserved. Thanks for passing it on to all of my cats. They'll be thrilled.
Concats on your award. We are glad your grass came back again. The white stuff is too cold.
We are sending good luck purrs for your mum.
oh wow! i'm glad your snow melted too.
Congratulations on your award!!
We hope your mommy gets that job. purrrrs Send her some kitty luck.
Congrats on your new award!!
The grass finally peaked out at my house too. I'm keeping my little toes crossed for no more snow!
Best of luck to your mommy! I'm sure she will do great with all this kitty power behind her!
Congrats on that fine award Jimmy Joe :)
GRASS!!! You have GRASS!!!!!!! That is so cool!! Someday we will see our grass again...I hope. The snow on top of it is all icy! Dang,heehee
WE will certainly be purring for your Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Good luck on your interview Mom!!!
We'll send purrs for your Mom ... I gave you an award, only to see that you just got it. So consider yourself doubly awarded. You deserve it!
personally i miss the snow! but the grass is nice too. :)
thanks for thinking of me for the award! i will pass it on this weekend!
Happy Valentine's Day
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We hope your mom had a great interview.
Congrats on the awards and to those you paased it on to.
We're glad you and Coco get along well, but you might want to post an occasional photo of her face. We had to wade through quite a lot of posts to figure out what she looks like. (We're forgetful, sorry.)
How nice to see that grass again! Hope we do too, very soon!
How'd it go for your mom?
Mieow JJ! Hope all is well your end and that the interview went well for your Momma.
I hope that you had good luck!
Hi Jimmy Joe and Coco. We just stopped by to see how you were doing. Miss you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
How are you friend? I just stopped by to see how you were doing.
We miss you!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. We hope your mom had a great interview that day. You and Coco were just having such a wonderful time with all the new smells that you found. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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