"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
Wow, what a wonderful award to get. I'm gonna pass this on to my grate buddies:
* Camie's Kitties, Tavi, Cody and Miss Jade
* Earl Grey, Tazo, and Titus of the Furry Kids
*Laila and Minchie at Cat-a-holic
This award means a special lot to me since I haven't been able to be as good a visitor as I'd like to be, buddies. As you know, my momma is under a lot of Bean-stress because she is finishing a dissertation and teaching a new college course and trying to get a grown-up job at another college. So she usually only lets me use the computer a couple times a week to visit you all. Sometimes I don't have time to leave comments for everybuddy, but I love catching up with your news!
So Momma said she's just never going to be not-stressed-out this semester, but Coco and I at least had a better week this week. We had lots of naps, and Coco got to take some good walks and I got to visit some of the neighbors, which I like to do because I'm a friendly guy. I didn't get a chance to enter my sister Coco into the Best Fur Sibling contest, but I decided to give her a shout-out today, because she is a grate sister, even though she is a doggie and not a kitty.*
*Coco thinks a correction is needed: she says she is not "a doggie," she is a Wiener Dog, which is something special unto itself.
Coco is a grate sister because she is supportive when we have to take the Long Ride in the car to Granny and Poppa's and Momma pushes drugs on me. We go out exploring the yard together (except in winter when it is Tundra out there), and sometimes in the summer we go on hunting trips. We also enjoy sharing sunbeams together in the morning:
concatulations on your award!!!! sorry about the stressed out mom.
We are sending your mom purrs so the stress goes away!! Happy friday.
Congrats on your award, Jimmy Joe!
And it's good that you have a good sister in Coco...we like how you two are snoozing in the sun there!
Congratulations on your award! It's very well deserved.
I understand your Momma's stress. It's a good thing you have your great sister, Coco, to hang out with :-)
Concats on your award and thanks for passing it on to us.
Tell your mum that giving you lots of tummy rubs will help her stress.
Hi Jimmie Joe. Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it on to me. I remember the days when I had to help my mom with her dissertation, the exams and the grading. I am sure glad that is over with.
Concats Jimmy Joe!
That was sweet of you to say such nice things about Coco!
deer jj,
thank u so much fer givin me dis award. i am honored.
wut'z "agrandizement?" jus wunderin.
an wut'zza "dissertation?"
jus wunderin sum more.
Hi Jimmy Joe, congrats on the awardie. Wowie so much deserved!!
happy week-end and purrrs
Hey Jimmy Joe! Congratulations on your award, it's very well deserved. Thank you also for thinking of us and passing it our way too - very kind of you. You are right, Coco is a great fur sibling, Weiner Dogs are very special, real characters! We are being a little quiet right now too, this is normal behaviour for our apes at this time of year, we are ok though. Your Mum has the two best types of anti-stress buddies with you and Coco too, give her some snuggles from us will ya?. Yep, we finally had some snow, it was a bit lame though as there was only about 2" of it and the whole country came to a halt. Then it melted, then we got another 2" and again, everything stopped. We of course stayed inside nice and warm and refused to go outside, despite our apes throwing treats out of the open door hehe! Now the melting snow has frozen solid, so we'll be sitting in the front window watching the apes slithering about as they walk past our home - always good for a laff!
Stay cosy buddies!
Whicky Wuudler
My mommy says she remembers when HER mommy wrote a dissertation - it took three years and it turned into a book. It is about the size of a normal dictionary (3 1/2 inches thick - how many squillion pages is that?) Anyhoo, good luck to your mommy.
P.S. - thanks for visiting me!
It's great to have a wonderful fur sibling isn't it?
We'd like to congratulate you and your human mom on the award you've earned. It's always nice to get some good news when you're under a lot of stress.
OMC, we missed you, Jimmy Joe! How's my nose twin been doing? Other than having to go to the evil v-e-t, that is!
congrats on the award! you deserve it!
Concats! Dogs can make great siblings.
Jimmy Joe, thanks for sharing that pawsome award with me! Mommy hasn't helped me out with visiting my friends a lot either, so this award is super special!
Purrs! I love the last picture of you with Coco.
Congratulations on your awards~!
i taggied you for an award, jimmy joe!
Congrats on your award. Thanks for passing it on to us. We are sorry your mum is so stressed out. We hope it gets better soon.
Coco sounds like a really good woofie.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Congratulations on the award you received. That was very nice of them. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a beautiful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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