Check it out:
Wow! Little pink noses on orange and white faces: excellent combination, don't ya think?
OK, then, for Mancat Monday, I thought I'd point out that part of being a good mancat means helpin' out around the house. You all learned a little more about my momma recently, the way she has to go to lots of boring meetings and worries about gettin' all of her work done. Well, I tried to help her out the other day by eatin' some of her meeting notes, so she didn't have to worry about that one anymore:
But I only got one corner shredded before she yelled at me and told me to stop! I have the suspicion that she wanted to have the meeting notes so she had something to complain about...
OK, then last week, as I mentioned earlier, I tried bringing her some voles to play with. Voles make excellent toys--they don't move too fast and you can take your time batting them. So I find a vole under the juniper bush and bring it to the apartment door, and again she yelled at me! I tried to show her how much fun it is:
Part of being a mancat is knowing that your work just isn't going to be appreciated sometimes, but loving your momma anyway.
Humans just don't get it do they? You are a great mancat!
Jimmy Joe,that is a great story.It IS hard work trying to get beans to understand what we try to do for them. Your bean may not appreciate it,but I think you did a super job. Mickey
You and Pippin are super great nose twins Wowie :-)
Jimmy, you are a marvelous mancat! It is good to help mommie but she needs to be patient with your expert skills, or she will have to do it herself!
Purrrrs, Princess
You are a very helpful cat, Jimmy Joe. It's too bad humans don't always properly appreciate our assistance.
Cool on finding your nose twin! :)
I have never seen a real vole before. They sound very mysterious.
I think you did a great job as a paper shredder. You should get paid at least FOUR Temptations for that job.
Oh, and excellent nose twin find!
great nose twin!! sometimes the beans just don't unnerstand about being mancats and killing stuff.
You said it JJ! Nobody ever appreciates MY hard work. I just get yelled at.
Peach Man
oh my, your human sounds as silly as mine. I so empathise. maybe we could join forces to find some new, cleverer humans? voles are fun! x
Yeah, dem beans...I bring mouses in to try to teach mom how to hunt. Just in case, yoo know, cuz sumtimes I worry she won't be able to take care of herself. She yells and makes me leeve dem outside, can yoo beleeve dat. How's she effur appose ta lern if I can't bring dem mousies in.~Zippy
Awww, I hear ya, Jimmy Joe! Beans can be so WEIRD. Dang, one day I caught a mousie that had gotted in our house, but my daddy tooked it away from me. Dag Nabbit!
Playin' is FUN!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
the vole game sounds great! me and castle have nerv caught anything larger than a spider cos we are indoor cats. in our previous home castle did once go out into the garden and found a dead bird, he took it into the house and Meowmie J fell over and screamed! he dropped it in fear on her foot and ran away! silly humans...they can be so boring sometimes x
That is a perfect match for nose twin~!
And thanks for sharing the story~!!
Yes, I do think that pink noses and orange and white fur ARE a beautiful combination!
A nose twin! So cute!
I'm sorry you can't play with your toys properly, that is not fair at all!
What a terrific mancat you are - even if your mom didn't understand completely!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Dear Jimmy Joe,
Remember you pick #35 picture of me for my 10 years celebration? now the postcard is arrived.
Please come to see my right-top of blog and email to michico for your sending address.
We are ready to sent the postcard for you~!
Humans just don't get it, do they Jimmy Joe? I would love a vole to play with. FAZ
Handsome and Helpful!
You're the whole enchilada, Jimmy Joe.
Mosaic Cats
It's true they just don't understand us sometimes! We understand. You are a very nice Mancat!
Your FL furiends,
PS: Great nose twin!!
Muhahahahaha! An authentic "gatorrismo"!
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