Oh boy, buddies, we have lots to be thankful about today.
I am super thankful for getting two! awesome awards.
My great friend
Mickey gave me the BFF Goldcard Award:
And my great buddies Napoleon, Sara, Bandit, Miss Emily, Maggie Mae, Noah, Gracie, Timothy, Anna Sue, Kitty Boy, Bob and Patrick over at
Cat~Goats~Quotes gave me this wonderful award!
Secondly, Coco is thankful that a snake came into our 'partment this morning so she had a fun morning game to play, Kill The Snake.
And Momma is thankful that Coco killed the snake and even more thankful to the nice neighbor Man-Bean in the 'partment above who took it outside in the dust pan, because looking at it made her want to throw up.
And finally, we are all thankful that it is a warm, sunny week here in Ithaca. Here's a tip for you, buddies:
Take care of your wet bath...
And then follow it up with a sun bath!