And it's a good thing that Coco and I are in good moods, because Momma has been saying a lot of bad words this week. Our computer's network connection is still faulty, even after Momma bought a new network cable and checked out the modem, so she thinks it's a hardware problem. The computer men on the telly-phone think it's a software problem. So she has spent hours on the phone trying to solve it, and now is waiting for CD's and memory cards. (did you know that you can get memory on a card? I think Momma should get an extra one for herself, because she's always forgetting to give me treats).
So we have a hard time staying connected to the Inter-nets, and it is hard for me to leave comments. But I am visiting you as best as I can, buddies!
This is my Friday report: My New Latrine.
A nice lady named Miss Christina offered me a new latrine to try out, called a "Breeze." Momma put it together for me two weeks ago, and I can now report to you that I have gotten used to my new latrine, even though it has funny pellet-type things in it instead of nice litters that go flying all over. This is what it looks like:
See, it fits very nicely under the sink. Here are the pro's for my new latrine:
1) it is a nice green color
2) it doesn't get dirty, because all of the pees drain out
3) Momma can flush the poo's down the Bean-latrine
4) that means that Momma doesn't have to put a plastic bag full of dirty litter in the dumpster every day
5) there are no more litters and dusts all over the kitchen floor
Here are the con's for my new latrine:
1) there aren't a lot of pellet-litters, so I can't dig to China, which I like to do
2) that means that I don't have nice litters to walk over on the floor anymore
3) Momma says the monthly cost for the pellets and the pee pads is a little more than for my clumpy litters, but she says it's nice not to have to lug 38-pound tubs around anymore, so I guess that's a con and a pro
Since the pro's outweigh the con's, we have decided to keep the new Breeze latrine. I hope this helps you all, buddies!