Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Meme for Saturday

First, off, congrat's to Karl and Ruis on their big day yesterday! What a good-lookin' couple, and boy do they know how to throw an intergalactic bash. I'm gonna pig out on those intergalactic shrimp, mmm mmm mmm!

Well, Momma is working now, so I told her, if you are working, then you can help me catch up with my bloggie, and she said that's fair enough. My grate buddy Sunny tagged me and early last week for the About Me meme, so here it is!

ABOUT ME MEME: The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player than tags 4 or 5 people and post their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you have posted your answer.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
The kitty-fairy hadn't dropped me off yet, so I guess I was a little twinkling kitten star.

2. What are the 5 things on my to do list for today:
Eat crunchies; munch some grass; take a morning nap; meditate; play with my mousies; help Momma with her studying

3. Snacks I enjoy:
fish; chicken; turkey; grass; flowers; corn-bread; crackers; butter; cream; Wheaties (did you know that it's the breakfast of champions?)

4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I would buy a big house that gets all of its energy from the sun and the wind, and all lots of kitties and doggies could live there with enough personal space, and there would be a big yard for us to play outside with no streets around. And I would get rotisserie chickens delivered every day.
5. Three of my bad habits:
Ummm, I guess knocking the key rack off of the wall is a bad habit (but it's really fun). Whapping Momma's pens and pencils off of tables and under the furniture (but she always has more, so I don't see what the big deal is). Oh, and she says that I am the worst shedder she's ever met, but I don't see why that is a bad habit: cat furs, as we know, make everything lovelier.

6. Five places I have lived:
Outside Auntie Jane's house in Michigan; inside Auntie Jane's house after Granny brought me inside; in Granny and Poppa's old house in Virginia; in Granny and Poppa's new house in Michigan; in our 'partment here in Ithaca.

7. Five jobs I have had:
Mouse-finder; therapist; study-buddy; yoga-buddy; foot-warmer.

I think that's a pretty good C.V., don't you? I'm going to meditate for a while now, and digest those intergalactic shrimp. I told Coco she could do the meme tomorrow--just warnin' ya, buddies.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wordy Wednesday

Oh boy, so much stuff going on in the Cat Blogosphere this past week! I've been reading some of your blogs, buddies, but I haven't had much time to comment because I've been taking care of Momma, who is taking something called "codeine" that makes her nap like a normal cat, and entertaining Granny and Poppa, who were here to help Momma. They need lots of entertaining, and as you can imagine, it is hard for one cat to give enough snuggles to three Beans. Momma says thank you to all of my kitty buddies for sending her so many get-well wishes. She is feeling okay by today, but she can only eat soft Bean foods like oatmeal and applesauce and mashed potatoes. I said I could help her finish the mashed potatoes if she can't eat them all up, because I'm good at helping out.

We are still missing Bonnie, and now I'm sending lots of purrs and furs to pretty Gree so that her nerves feel better soon. I sure do hope all she needs is a sticky of the cortisone so she doesn't have to go to the v-e-t anymore. And then Tiger Lily's momma broke her foot! Oh no! So I'm sending her lots of purrs and furs to get her foot better soon.

In happy news, though, Mr. Tigger and all of the super-cool Mancats featured me on Mancat Monday! What a great surprise!
I'll be back with some new pictures and a meme soon, buddies.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hugs Today

Well, my good buddy Sunny tagged me and Coco for a meme last week, but we are so sad about Bonnie leaving us that we are going to wait until next week to think about that.

Sammy and Miles Meezer started a Hug-a-Thon in honor of Bonnie and the wonderful energy she brought to the Cat Blogosphere, which I think is a great tribute. Momma says it is ironic and that Bonnie is probably laughing at the Bridge, happy that we aren't all pulling her into the group hug.

Here's a hug for Bonnie, and for Miss ML, who is having a birthday today, and for my momma, who is going to have a surgery today for something called "tonsils." I probably won't be posting or visiting so much over the next few days, because she said she's going to have to stay in bed a lot, so I'll be taking care of her.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

In Memoriam: to a Master Attack Tabby

Bonnie, I am so very, very sad that you had to go the Bridge. I will miss you very much. You were an inspiration to us all.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Attack Tabbies: a tribute

I was playing jungle kitty in the tall grass yesterday, when I met a new face in the neighborhood: a very elegant medium-furred brown tabby with a long nose and very nice green eyes. She was hangin' out under a honeysuckle, and I thought I'd go up to say "hi!", but I think maybe I bushed out my tail too much, and she said,
"OK, buster, that's close enough,"
when I was about three feet away. She was polite enough about it, I guess. Then Momma came over and told me that it looks like Tabby didn't want to share the honeysuckle, so we went back inside. Momma went back outside to ask Tabby if she needed anything, and she was very friendly and said,
"Just some face scritches, please!"
She had a hurty on her right hip, but Momma said it looked treated and her furs were shaved off around it, so she has someone taking care of her. So she must be someone's tough Attack Tabby.

So in honor of my new outdoor buddy Tabby, I thought I'd share a picture of one of the Ones Who Came Before, Scrappy the Cat.

This is Momma a squillion years ago

(fourteen, JJ)

when she was in college and found Scrappy roaming the streets of south-central L.A. He was one of the toughest dudes I've ever met, the kind that the lady-Beans like, even though he's difficult: good-lookin', smart, and really moody. He (and the other One Who Came Before, Scooter, who had a seizure and went to the Bridge a few months before I found Momma) lived with my Momma for seven years, through college and her stupid jobbity-jobs afterwards, until she got Coco in Chicago. Scrappy decided he didn't want to live with a dog, so he started peeing inside, which Momma said was Not Cool. So Scrappy lived with Granny and Poppa then for the next 6 years, and Granny spoiled him rotten. Seriously, it was disgusting, buddies. For some reason, Momma and Granny let Scraps get away with all sorts of stuff, which neither me nor Poppa nor Auntie Jane really understood. Quite frankly, buddies, we all thought he was kind of a jerk.

Well, Gran and Momma had to help Scrappy go to the Bridge this past January. He was fifteen, and he had had the diabetes for a long time, and all of his insides finally stopped working. Momma and Gran were really, really sad, and Gran still sees his ghost sometimes, around the corner.
So here's a Tuesday salute to all you Attack Tabbies out there: hurray for stripes!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Well, I am very glad that it is Friday and that the week is coming to an end. Momma was back this week but she was doing all sorts of disruptive stuff, like cleaning, which I hate.

It has been cool and rainy, so the grass outside is super delicious. This is me on the doorstep, considering whether I should come inside for my breakfast or eat a few more grasses.

Momma says it's rude to linger in the doorway, but I say it's not nearly as rude as pulling out the evil carpet-eating machine when a kitty is trying to take a nap.

And look at what Maggy and Zoey and Miss Ann over at Zoolatry sent me! A fancy portrait!

Thanks, buddies!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday Meme Day

Hi Every-buddy!

Well, Momma came back Sunday night, and then she wondered where I was because I had teleported over to Miles Meezer's for his party and didn't want to come back! She said she missed me a whole bunch, because she'd only seen me about four times in the past 10 days, and she really needed lots of furs on her clothes to feel at home again, so I finally forgave her for leaving and made her black capri pants nice and fuzzy.

The lovely Maggy over at Zoolatry tagged me for the name meme, so here goes!
Lots of kitties wanted to know what Tara's three names were after her Mom went to see "CATS". It got Tara & Kavan to thinking of a fun meme. If you aren't familiar with "The Naming of Cats," from Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, by T.S.Eliot, we all have three names! So... in this meme, you must link to the originator (Tara), list the rules, and give your "three names":
(1) The name that you use daily (Peter, Tara, Parker, Maggy).
(2) A name that is particular --a name that is peculiar -- and a most dignified name (like Munkustrap, Quaxo or Coricopat).
(3) And tell us what you were doing when thinking of your names, names only you will know, and never confess (when engaged in rapt contemplation), that deep and inscrutable singular name. Then tag three other kitties (and be sure to let them know they've been tagged).

1) Jimmy Joe
2) J. Hardy McFurhauer
3) Sometimes I hunker down on the lawn, munch on some grass and count the ants, and I think of my secret name.

I'm not sure who has done this name meme yet, so if you haven't, consider yourself tagged!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

This Saturday Sucks

Hey buddies--
So, Momma and Coco came over to Miss Diana's yesterday, and put me in the prison box and took me back home, and then...


This has got to be the worst week ever. Luckily Momma has very nice friends, like our neighbors Miss Linzee and Miss Anne who make sure I get my crunchies, and Miss Diana and Mr. Andrei, who let me stay with them and decorate their 'partment with my nice furs this week, and Miss Megan who took those awesome pictures of me on last week's Wednesday's Wordless post.

But Momma is getting no special treatment tomorrow. No way.

I'm teleporting over to spend the day at Miles Meezer's surprise birthday party...and maybe I just won't come back!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Hi every-buddy--

Well, this is what happened to me since my last posting:

Momma abandoned me!

She left Saturday morning, came back briefly on Sunday, and then came yesterday morning, packed up all of my stuff, shoved me in the prison box and hauled me off to Miss Diana and Mr. Andrei's house!

Luckily our nice neighbor Miss Linzee came over to give me my crunchies over the weekend, so I didn't starve, and I like Miss Diana and Mr. Andrei all right. But I can't believe that Momma has just left me. And she took Coco. She said yesterday that she is house-sitting for a professor for the week so she can earn some extra green papers to pay bills this summer, and that I get to go on holiday at Miss Diana's house. I gotta tell ya, though, buddies, I am not very happy about the situation. I have the sneaking suspicion that this is certifiable cat neglect. I will try to sneak back onto Miss Diana's computer later this week to give you an update.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Fun Friday

Yup, buddies, that's me. None other than Mr. Ocean himself, George Clooney. According to the Celebrity Quiz, at least.
Coco is Gwen Stefani. Suits her, actually.

I asked Momma if she wanted to take the quiz, and she laughed and said she'd probably be Renee Zellweger.

As Bridget Jones.